

Subsidiary Law of the Law of Economy
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
45 – 46: “This fire [the fire of microcosm] is the basic vibration of the little system in which the monad or human spirit is the logos, and it holds the personality or lower material man in objec-tive manifestation thus permitting the spiritual unit to contact the plane of densest matter. It has its correspondence in the ray of intelligent activity and is controlled by the Law of Economy in one of its subdivisions, the Law of Adaptation in Time.”
142 – 43: “This Law of Economy might be considered as the controlling factor in the life of the third Logos. Therefore:
a. His goal is the perfect blending of Spirit and matter.
b. His function is the manipulation of prakriti, or matter, so as to make it fit, or equal to, the demands and needs of the Spirit.
c. His mode of action is rotary, or, by the revolution of matter, to increase activity and thereby make the material more pliable.
All these three concepts are governed by the Law of Economy, which is the Law of Adaptation in time and space, or the line of least resistance.”
219: “The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number, dealing with the low-er quaternary: …
2. The Law of Adaptation is the law governing the rotary movement of any atom on every plane and subplane.”

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