ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Healing, page
13: “When human thought reverses the usual ideas as to disease, and accepts disease as a fact in nature, man will begin to work with the law of liberation, with right thought, leading to nonresistance.  At present, by the power of his directed thought and his intense antagonism to disease, he only tends to energise the difficulty.  When he reorients his thought to truth and the soul, physical plane ills will begin to disappear.”

Life – see also “Nature, Soul, Life” in the section Groupings
ALICE A. BAILEY: Rays and The Initiations, page
157: “The Law of the Supplementary Seven is the great synthetic Law of Life or of Spirit and is the law with which the initiate works; it is this law he wields.  From acceptance of the laws of nature and obedience to the laws of the soul, he passes into the positive phase of understanding and wielding the Law of Life.  Because this is a governing law for all initiates, and because we know that the nature of life-energy or of spirit cannot be grasped until after the third initiation, it is exceedingly difficult for me to write in explanation of this law.”

163: “Thus, the great synthesis emerges, and destruction, death, and dissolution are in reality naught but life processes.  Abstraction is indicative of process, progress and development.

It is this aspect of the Law of Life (or the Law of Synthesis as it is called in certain larger connotations) with which the initiate specifically deals when wielding the Law of the Supplementary Seven.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: White Magic, page
470: “Every form is built by an impulsive spark of life, emanated by a creator, and growing stage by stage under the law of accretion – an aspect of the law of attraction, which is the law of life. This law cooperates with the Law of Cause and Effect, which, as we know, is the law governing matter. Cause, attraction or desire, accretion and effect – these four words govern the construction of any thought-form. When the latter is a completed entity, it is an effect built by accretion under the power of an organized cause.”

Life Purpose of the planetary Logos
ALICE A. BAILEY: Rays and The Initiations, page
519 – 20: “This evolutionary pushing forward along the Lighted Way [through invocation and evocation], out of darkness into light, from the unreal to the real, and from death to immortality, is an inherent urge in all forms.  It constitutes one of the most subtle and one of the least understood laws of the universe, being related to the Life principle, of which we know as yet naught; it underlies the Law of Evolution as well as the Law of Karma and is, in reality, the Law of the Life Purpose of the planetary Logos; it is an expression of His dynamic intention as it forces all substance in manifestation and in time and space to act and react in conformity to His Will.”

Life of the Sun
ALICE A. BAILEY: Rays and The Initiations, page
520: “He thus enables His form – the planet which is a compound of all the seven kingdoms in nature – to express logoic intention for the “duration of the Great Breath”; of this breath, time and space are the two aspects.  It affects the tiniest atom and the most exalted Being within the sphere of His consciousness and the scope of His livingness; it affects the subhuman kingdoms, unconsciously to them, and is (in relation to them) sometimes spoken of as “the Law of Life of the Sun”.”

Lotus – Subsidiary law of the Law of Attraction, 2nd Cosmic Law
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
1171: “6. The Law of the Lotus.  This is the name given to the mysterious influence from the cosmic Law of Attraction which brought in the divine Sons of Mind, and thus linked the two poles of Spirit and matter, producing upon the plane of mind that which we call the egoic lotus, or “the Flower of the Self.”  It is the law which enables the lotus to draw from the lower nature (the matter aspect and the water aspect) the moisture and heat necessary for its unfoldment, and to bring down from the levels of the Spirit that which is to it what the rays of the sun are to the vegetable kingdom.  It governs the process of petal unfoldment, and therefore itself demonstrates as a triple law:

  1. The Law of Solar Heat … Knowledge petals.
  2. The Law of Solar Light … Love petals.
  3. The Law of Solar Fire … Sacrifice petals.”

Love – 6th Systemic Law
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
569: “b. Seven Systemic Laws. – Subsidiary to the three major laws, we find the seven laws of our solar system.  Again we find the law of analogy elucidating, and the three becoming the seven as elsewhere in the logoic scheme.  In each of these seven laws we find an interesting correlation with the seven planes.  They are: …

  1. The Law of Love is the law of the astral plane.  It aims at the transmutation of the desire nature, and links it up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane.

586: “The Laws in the Three Worlds. We will now take up and briefly study the three most important laws affecting the evolving human being, as he lives his life in the three worlds.  These laws are:

  1. The Law of Fixation.
  2. The Law of Love.
  3. The Law of Sacrifice and Death.

These laws are all dominated and controlled eventually by the three higher laws in the system – the Laws of Magnetic Control, of Disintegration, and of Cohesion.  There is a direct connection between these seven laws and the seven Rays or Vibrations …”

593 – 96: “ … This term “The Law of Love,” is after all too generic a term to apply to one law governing one plane, but will have to suffice for the present, as it conveys the type of idea that is needed, to our minds.  The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the system in demonstration on all the planes.  Love was the impelling motive for manifestation, and love it is that keeps all in ordered sequence; love bears all on the path of return to the Father’s bosom, and love eventually perfects all that is. …”

ALICE A. BAILEY: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page
My comment: Page numbers are not available in this work, section III – IV
?: “The United Nations need to learn to apply the Law of Love as enunciated in the life of Christ and to express the truth that “no man liveth unto himself” and no nation either, and that the goal of all human effort isloving understanding, prompted by a programme of love for the whole.”

?: “I have stated also that we are reaching a climaxing period in human history; in this period the Lords of Karma are unusually active; the Law of Cause and Effect is bringing the results of past activities, the subjective thinking and the secret impulses to the surface, and exacting penalty and the planned cleaning of the slate of human history. When He Whom all disciples serve was on Earth two thousand years ago, He said that secret things would be made plain; by this emergence of the good and of the bad into prominence, men will arrive at knowledge, at understanding, and will be forced to take those steps which will be needed to build a new and better world, based on the Law of Love and not on the Law of Separateness and hate. This is what is happening today.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology II, page
148 – 149: “I would remind you also that as this law is an aspect of the fundamental Law of Love, it concerns the psyche or soul, and therefore its function is to further the spiritual interests of the true man, and to demonstrate the power of the second aspect, the Christ consciousness, and the power of divinity.”

LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Applied Wisdom, Introduction, page
9: ”My brothers, unless humanity wakes up to the fact of brotherhood, and completes the first initiation, that power that creates wars, hunger, hatred, fear, sickness, etc., cannot be balanced. Man, to live in peace, must learn to practice the Law of Love as taught by every great Savior of the race.”

LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Creative Thinking, Lesson 33 and 34, page
147: “The Power of God may be invoked into manifestation via the Focused Will to Love”.

The Focused Will to Love is a law and an energy which reaches humanity via a focal point of entry within the Planetary Life, from the Solar Life itself as that Solar Life differentiates the great law and energy of Cosmic Love into seven divine expressions within its own system.”

152: “Love is a divine energy that is a constituent part of the One Life. It is the magnetic, cohesive, informing, qualifying Son Aspect or Christ Principle of the One in Whom we live, move, and have our being. It is the essential energy of which consciousness is made; the reality behind, underlying and informing, sustaining and qualifying the ”I”. It is radiatory and altruistic in nature, constructive in purpose, and it is the basic law of the Universe.”

156: “An understanding of this law can best be approached by a study of three major laws of the Soul, which are its essential cause:

  1. The Law of Attraction …
  2. The Law of Repulsion …
  3. The Law of Integration …

It can be seen from an observation of these three Laws of the Soul that when love dominates the quality of a human being’s thought-life, that thought-life takes on harmony, order, clarity, and right understanding is born like a light in the brain that illumines any concept, problem, or situation with which the person is faced.”

LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Disciple and Economy, Chapter 1, page
28 – 30: “As the disciple seeks out the new law he becomes first aware of the Law of Love, he senses its vibration, which is at first very feeble and even before he can grasp the idea in idea form he feels its influence and through the feeling aspect tunes in his mind to its meaning.

Gradually through the combination of the feeling aspect and the mind he intuits the meaning of this new impact, this new law which is the law governing the 5th kingdom in nature.  When he has successfully, via the means of becoming the observer, detached himself from manifesting conditions, he is enabled to see this new law of Love in relation to the world of appearances.  It begins to take on form.  He puts it into words, into picture form, and finally into action.  His first application then will be in relation to his relationships with people as he applies the newly formulated law of Love to every relationship of which he is aware in the world of the personality.  This provides the new disciple with experience, unconscious experience at first, in seeking out a law, formulating it, relating it and applying it until finally he is told by his Master, “Go forth and serve.  Follow your intuitional guidance, my brother, and initiate your service activity.”

LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Nature of the Soul, Lesson 6 and 7, page
79: “Some schools have gone so far as to say ‘‘God is Love’’. We say God is Love, God is consciousness, for they are one and the same. We go further and say that man is a developing, growing, consciousness, therefore he is a develop­ing, growing Love.

From above downward, we may put it yet another way.

  1. Divine Love is the consciousness of God’s Being.
  2. Divine Love is the consciousness of Christ, the adult son.
  3. Divine Love is the growing consciousness of the human Soul, the child son.

Divine Love is not the Law. It is the manipulator of the Law. It is Pure Rea­son, that which Is.

89: “Divine Love-Wisdom, which is the basic energy and the basic Law of our Solar system, is actually the very essence of consciousness itself, and is usu­ally found predominating somewhere in the disciple’s equipment. Even those disciples who work along first or third ray lines of force do so in an approach to the final embodi­ment of Love.

Loving Understanding – 6th law produced by the activity of the three aspects
ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology I, page
379: “The law of the coming race is most difficult to express in understandable terms.  I can find no better name for it – so as to express adequately its functional effect – than the words, the Law of Loving Understanding. This is a quite inadequate and sentimental phrase for a scientific expression of a great coming evolutionary development in the human consciousness.  But until that development is an accomplished fact, we have no means whereby to express the true significance of the underlying idea.”

380: “The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will be much facilitated and speeded up during the Aquarian age, and it will eventuate later in the development of the international spirit, in the recognition of one world faith in God and in humanity as the major expression of divinity in this world period …”

ALICE A. BAILEY: The Destiny of the Nations, page
47: “In connection with this discussion which governs and influences the leading nations of the world, the student should bear in mind the fact that all are today primarily conditioned by the Law of Cleavages; however, advanced groups in every nation are beginning to respond to the Law of Understanding.  This is a law which will eventually emphasise the eternal brotherhood of man and the identity of all souls with the Oversoul. …

The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will be greatly facilitated and speeded during the Aquarian Age which we are considering; it will eventuate later in the development of a world-wide international spirit, in the recognition of one universal faith in God and in humanity also as the major expression of divinity upon the planet and in the transfer of the human consciousness from the world of material things to that of the more purely psychic.”

Lower Four – 7th Law of Group Work (esoteric name: The law of Etheric Union)
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
1218: “The final two laws concerning group activity can only be very briefly treated as their true significance is only apparent to pledged disciples.  They concern primarily the astral and the mental planes, and, therefore the corresponding vehicles of the group units.  A group, it should be remembered, which is functioning on the physical plane is also found in a still larger form on the astral and the mental.  Just as the astral body of a man is larger than his physical body, and, therefore, has built into its structure a larger number of atomic units, so a group contains (astrally considered) more units than on the physical plane.  The laws we are touching upon concern the relation of the physical plane units to those units who form a part of the group, and yet are functioning without the physical plane sheaths or vehicles.  The same idea must be applied to the units devoid of a physical vehicle who form a component part of the mental body of the group.

These two laws are termed:

  1. The Law of Expansive Response.
  2. The Law of the Lower Four.

These laws only become operative in units on the physical plane which are becoming responsive consciously to those group workers who are discarnate. …”

1218 and 1221: “For each of these Laws, there is a definite formula and symbol.  At this stage of teaching or through this Treatise, it is not possible to reveal or impart the formulas.  The symbol may be described, …

Law 7. This symbol takes the form of a male and female figure standing back to back, the male figure holding above his head what looks like a shield or tray of silver, a great reflector, whilst the female figure holds aloft an urn full of oil.  Below this sign is another hieroglyphic which contains the secret of the astral plane, which has to be dominated by the mental.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology II, page
199 – 200: “These two laws are not capable of interpretation as above, because only those who are initiated or in preparation for initiation can begin to understand them.  The enlightenment which is the result of initiation is necessary before one can touch the idea behind these expressions of purpose.  We shall not, therefore, take any time dealing with The Law of Expansive Response, or with The Law of the Lower Four, beyond giving two ancient stanzas which will convey much to the initiate but may only be sounding words and meaningless symbolic phrases to the average reader and student. …

  1. The Law of the Lower Four

“Four sons of God went forth.  But only one returned.  Four Saviours merged themselves in two, and then the two became the One.”

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