Six Laws and Principles of the New Age

My commentary:  The Laws that are mentioned here are not further explained. They are together with the principles meant to be themes for meditation. 

ALICE A. BAILEY: Discipleship in the New Age, pages
236 – 238:
Earlier in this instruction, I used the words: “An united world group given to unanimous and simultaneous meditation … for the jurisdiction of the Christ”. I particularly want to call your attention to this last phrase, which introduces a new concept into the preparatory work to be done by the New Group of World Servers. The task is, through meditation, to establish the knowledge of and the functioning of those laws and principles, which will control the coming era, the new civilization and the future world culture. Until the foundation for the coming “jurisdiction” is at least laid, the Christ cannot reappear; if He came without this due preparation, much time, effort and spiritual energy would be lost. Therefore, we must assume (if these premises are accepted) that there must be organized – in the near future – a group of men and women in every country who, under due and proper organization, will “simultaneously and unanimously” meditate upon those juridical measures and those basic laws upon which the rule of Christ will be founded and which are essentially the laws of the Kingdom of God, the fifth kingdom in the evolutionary and natural processes of planetary unfoldment.

So much has been discussed in relation to these laws from the mystical and strictly Christian angle that the terms used are essentially meaningless; the whole subject requires revitalizing; it needs to be endowed with a fresh and new presentation and a new terminology, more suited to the growing mental grasp of the scientific and modern mind. There has been endless talk about Brotherhood and the establishing of the principle that we are all the children of God, and this has done little to change men’s approach to each other and to the shared human problems.

The New Group of World Servers will talk in other terms and their emphasis will be upon:

  1. The Law of Right Human Relations.
  2. The Principle of Goodwill.
  3. The Law of Group Endeavour.
  4. The Principle of Unanimity.
  5. The Law of Spiritual Approach.
  6. The Principle of Essential Divinity

I would have you consider these suggestions with care and thus prepare yourselves for an elucidation of the spiritual laws and principles, as themes for meditation. I herein present to you the six themes for group meditation; this is essentially your next consideration if the “unanimous and simultaneous” meditation which can be immediately effective is organized and developed.