

ALICE A. BAILEY: Discipleship in the New Age II, page
311 – 12: “What we are dealing with here, in connection with initiate training, is the impending realisation for which any opening cycle attests its waiting, and for the new truths and the expanded spiritual presentations which it is the destiny of the initiate to bring to the people. You will note that I choose the word “destiny” in preference to the word “karma” because in this type of work the initiate is working and practising and progressing under a Law of Destiny. This law affects the Ashram and the Hierarchy as a whole, and neither is under the Law of Karma, as usually understood. This Law of Destiny has been brought into being since the foundation of the Hierarchy on Earth; it is the result of the pledged and united dedication to service which is the outstanding note of the united Ashrams. It is therefore a sevenfold law, for it takes on the seven colours of the seven rays, the seven qualities, modes and methods, techniques and energy expressions of all the seven rays. It is therefore, as far as humanity is concerned, free from all evil, because it is selflessly motivated and is—in a measure—a difficult law for you to comprehend. Pure destiny, devoid of all evil intent, is an enigma to the average disciple. It appears to contravene other laws with which he is familiar. As the race of men achieves increasing purity in the three worlds, this pure destiny will become correspondingly effective. This is an important point upon which to reflect.”

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