Expansive Response

Expansive Response

6th Law of Group Work (esoteric name is not given)
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
1218: “The final two laws concerning group activity can only be very briefly treated as their true significance is only apparent to pledged disciples.  They concern primarily the astral and the mental planes, and, therefore the corresponding vehicles of the group units.  A group, it should be remembered, which is functioning on the physical plane is also found in a still larger form on the astral and the mental.  Just as the astral body of a man is larger than his physical body, and, therefore, has built into its structure a larger number of atomic units, so a group contains (astrally considered) more units than on the physical plane.  The laws we are touching upon concern the relation of the physical plane units to those units who form a part of the group, and yet are functioning without the physical plane sheaths or vehicles.  The same idea must be applied to the units devoid of a physical vehicle who form a component part of the mental body of the group.

These two laws are termed:

  1. The Law of Expansive Response.
  2. The Law of the Lower Four.

These laws only become operative in units on the physical plane which are becoming responsive consciously to those group workers who are discarnate. …”

1218 and 1221: “For each of these Laws, there is a definite formula and symbol.  At this stage of teaching or through this Treatise, it is not possible to reveal or impart the formulas.  The symbol may be described …

Law 6.  The symbol contains a flaming rosy sun with a sign in the centre – a sign symbolising the union of fire and water; below this sign is found a hieroglyphic which may not be given as it gives the clue to the Earth sign, and the keynote of the physical body of the planetary Logos.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology II, page
199 – 200: “These two laws are not capable of interpretation as above, because only those who are initiated or in preparation for initiation can begin to understand them.  The enlightenment which is the result of initiation is necessary before one can touch the idea behind these expressions of purpose.  We shall not, therefore, take any time dealing with The Law of Expansive Response, or with The Law of the Lower Four, beyond giving two ancient stanzas which will convey much to the initiate but may only be sounding words and meaningless symbolic phrases to the average reader and student. …

“The Sun, in all its glory, has arisen and cast its beams athwart the Eastern sky.  The union of the pairs of opposites produce, in the cycles of the time and space, both clouds and mists.  These veil a mighty conflagration….

The flood pours forth.  The ark floats free…the flames devour.  The three stand free; and then again the mists envelop.

Above the clouds of earth, a sign shines forth….Only the eye of vision sees this sign.  Only the heart at peace can hear the thunder of the Voice which issues from the dark depths of the cloud.  Only an understanding of the law which elevates and lifts can teach the man of fire and son of water to enter into mist.  From thence he climbs on to the mountain top and there again stands free.

The triple freedom thus achieved has naught to do with earth, or water, or with fire.  It is a freedom, triple in its kind, which greets the man who passes freely from the sphere of earth into the ocean of the watery sphere, and [200] thence on to the burning ground of sacrifice.  The sun augments the fire; it dissipates the mist and dries the earth.  And thus the work is done.”

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