

5th Systemic Law
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
569: “b. Seven Systemic Laws.—Subsidiary to the three major laws, we find the seven laws of our solar system.  Again we find the law of analogy elucidating, and the three becoming the seven as elsewhere in the logoic scheme.  In each of these seven laws we find an interesting correlation with the seven planes.  They are:

  1. The Law of Fixation demonstrates principally on the mental plane and has a close connection with manas, the fifth principle.  The mind controls and stabilises, and coherency is the result.”

586: “The Laws in the Three Worlds. We will now take up and briefly study the three most important laws affecting the evolving human being, as he lives his life in the three worlds.  These laws are:

  1. The Law of Fixation.
  2. The Law of Love.
  3. The Law of Sacrifice and Death.

These laws are all dominated and controlled eventually by the three higher laws in the system—the Laws of Magnetic Control, of Disintegration, and of Cohesion.  There is a direct connection between these seven laws and the seven Rays or Vibrations …”

591- 593: “5. The Law of Fixation. This is the governing law of the mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the Law of Karma on cosmic mental levels. …

It is the law under which the evolving personality builds up, during the course of many lives, the causal body; …

It governs the time of rebirth, being one of the subsidiary branches of the Law of Karma.  Each of the seven subsidiary laws is linked to one of the cosmic laws, or with the Sirian Law of Karma.  We need always to remember that the consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the logoic goal of attainment, and that the Sirian Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego is to the personality.  The Law of Karma, or cosmic Fixation, is the law of the cosmic mental plane, and controls the corresponding law in our system. …”

ALICE A. BAILEY: Rays and The Initiations, page
725 – 26: “This initiation [6th Initiantion] is therefore governed by the third ray, the Ray of Intelligent Activity.  This ray is closely related to the mental plane of our planetary life, to the Law of Fixation and the Law of Cleavages. …  Fixation is not permitted to the eternal pilgrim upon our little planet, the Earth, but when that is left behind entirely at the ninth initiation the initiate becomes a “fixed or stationary point of light within his chosen Place, the Place of the Most High and the point of fire upon the mountain-top.  From that point he will no more go out.”

The concept of cleavage is latent here also.  The Master severs all connection with the past and with the planet, but never with the One Life which permeates all spheres and forms of being, which makes possible all states of consciousness and leads to endless activity.

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