

ALICE A. BAILEY: Rays and The Initiations, page
192 – 94: “The task of all groups which are working under the Masters of the Wisdom is to let in the light, utilising those rents which already exist within the Veils of maya.

Three major rents within these Veils might here be noted.  They are symbolically referred to in The Bible, though their essential meaning has not been noted or comprehended.

The first major rent was made by the establishment of the Law of God, and this is portrayed for us symbolically in The Old Testament in the story of Moses.  He went up into the Mount of God and there received the Ten Commandments.  This is the expression of divine law as adapted for humanity and as needed in the projection of those forces which will destroy, purify and reorganise. …

The Law, when rightly kept and interpreted, defines man’s attitude upon the mental plane and serves to make a rent in the etheric veil, separating the etheric vehicle in its fourfold aspect from the dense physical form.  The rending of the second veil at the time of the Crucifixion let in light on to the second level of the etheric plane, and a new type of illumination was spread abroad upon the earth.  Law and Love could now penetrate into the consciousness of humanity in a new and direct manner …

Another rending of the veil, and one of relatively minor importance, took place when Saul of Tarsus saw the glory of the Lord and was changed into Paul the Apostle. …

Three great rents, therefore, now exist, as well as numerous smaller and less important ones, to which no reference has been or need be made.  Three great Sons of God at the moment of initiation made a major contribution to the human consciousness through their determined will-to-law, will-to-love and will-to-synthesis.”

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