Group Life
See also Basic Laws for the public in the section Groupings
ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology I, page
302: “The third basic law underlying the solution of our modern problems, including that of sex, grows normally out of the other two laws. It is the Law of Group Life. Our group relations must be seen and acknowledged. Not only must a man fulfill in love his family and national obligations, but he must think in the wider terms of humanity itself, and so bring the Law of Brotherhood into expression. Brotherhood is a group quality.”
LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Applied Wisdom, Dark Forces, page
187: ”One of the most basic truths, and actually a Law in group life, is to judge not, and I do not mean rationalizing judgment by calling it assessment or analysis or anything of the kind, because you do not, any one of you, have the understanding, the insight of all the factors involved, to render your observations correct. When you make a wrong assessment, a wrong observation, you are adding to the difficulty of the other individual. You are adding to the weight of negativity which he himself must pull, must move through, in his own growth and development.”
LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Disciple and Economy, Chapter 22, page
204: “This problem of finances would not be a problem, would not be present, if it were not contributed to by every member of a group in the handling of group economy. Money is but a crystallized form of Third Ray energy, an outer reflection, an outer picture of the economy of energy, force, and substance. According to your use of your economy will it manifest in the outer life and affairs a healthy or an unhealthy economy. This is a difficult concept, yet it is a law of group life.”