Healing, ten laws

Healing, ten laws

ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Healing, Chapter VIII, pages 521 – 692
523: “The ten laws which we shall consider might, therefore, be regarded as ten subsidiary laws of the fundamental Law of Essential Integrity. They constitute nine elaborations or aspects of that one law, and this you must have most carefully in mind.  It is with these laws that the true healer must ever work.”

521: “The tenth law will be found too abstruse for much elucidation; it concerns the life principle, of which we as yet know nothing, and is involved with monadic purpose. … In this tenth law, therefore, I embody also the seed for a much later approach to the problems of Life and Death.”

GEOFFREY HODSON: New Light on the Problem of Disease
My comment: This work might be said to be the forerunner of Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey. It is a review of 20 statements of which the 10 last statements are related to healing. Most references in this work are to the law of Karma and the law of Rebirth.

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