Loving Understanding

Loving Understanding

6th of the Laws of Cleavage
ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology I, page
379: “The law of the coming race is most difficult to express in understandable terms.  I can find no better name for it – so as to express adequately its functional effect – than the words, the Law of Loving Understanding. This is a quite inadequate and sentimental phrase for a scientific expression of a great coming evolutionary development in the human consciousness.  But until that development is an accomplished fact, we have no means whereby to express the true significance of the underlying idea.”

380: “The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will be much facilitated and speeded up during the Aquarian age, and it will eventuate later in the development of the international spirit, in the recognition of one world faith in God and in humanity as the major expression of divinity in this world period …”

ALICE A. BAILEY: The Destiny of the Nations, page
47: “In connection with this discussion which governs and influences the leading nations of the world, the student should bear in mind the fact that all are today primarily conditioned by the Law of Cleavages; however, advanced groups in every nation are beginning to respond to the Law of Understanding.  This is a law which will eventually emphasise the eternal brotherhood of man and the identity of all souls with the Oversoul. …

The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will be greatly facilitated and speeded during the Aquarian Age which we are considering; it will eventuate later in the development of a world-wide international spirit, in the recognition of one universal faith in God and in humanity also as the major expression of divinity upon the planet and in the transfer of the human consciousness from the world of material things to that of the more purely psychic.”

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