Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Attraction

ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
782: “The response of the substance to the atomic vibration upon the particular plane involved.  This concerns the second group of Pitris, whose function it is to gather together the substance attuned to any particular key, and to aggregate it around the permanent atom.  They work under the Law of Magnetic Attraction, and are the attractive energy of the permanent atom.  On a tiny scale each permanent atom has (to the substance of a man’s sheaths) a position relative to that which the physical sun holds to the substance of the system. It is the nucleus of attractive force.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: White Magic, page
521 – 22: “These prisoners of the planet fall into two major groups …

First, the substance of all forms, or the multiplicity of tiny atomic lives which, through the power of thought, are drawn into the form aspect through which all existences or all souls, mineral, vegetable, animal and the animal body of man, express themselves. … Under the Law of Magnetic Attraction and owing to the impulsive activity of the Universal Mind as it works out the purposes of the solar Logos or of the planetary Logos these constituents of the matter of space, these atoms of substance, are drawn together, manipulated in a rhythmic manner and held together in form.”

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