

ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
216 – 19: “Thus can be seen the wonderful synthesis brought about by the evolutionary working of these three cosmic laws, – each of them embodying the mode of work of certain cosmic Entities or Existences. The final two will be taken up in their right place. Now we will touch but briefly upon the law of matter, that of Economy. …

As the note of the first or Mahadeva aspect, follows upon the other two, he realises himself as pure Spirit and on the consummation of the chord is merged in the Self, or the source from which he came.  Mind is not, matter is not, and nought is left but the Self merged in the ocean of the Self. At each stage of relative attainment, one of the laws comes into sway, – first the law of matter, then the law of groups, to be succeeded by the law of Spirit and of liberation.”

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