Occult Law

Occult Law

ALICE A. BAILEY: Discipleship in the New Age I, page
45: “These new types of groups will work together under the conscious guidance and suggestion of a member of the Great White Lodge. Note the word “suggestion,” my brothers. If these groups were subjected to the authority of such a member, then the objective of all the work undertaken would fail to materialize. An occult law would have been broken.”

LUCILLE CEDERCRANS: Applied Wisdom, Dark Forces, page
175f: “You will attract unto yourselves that which is in direct proportion to your own power. Let me give you an occult clue. The major part of energy which you will manipulate on lower levels will be negative energies. You will, from a positive polarization, seize those energies and put them into right use. They will be, in one sense, the power factor for the work which is carried on strictly on physical plane levels, energies of the emotional and etheric. Please try to grasp this, as it is one of the most important lessons you have to learn. It is Occult Law. Remember that all energies are Divine in their origin, they become light or dark forces as they are seized by the human family and directed into manifestation. The motive behind the act determines whether they become light or dark forces, according to the one who has appropriated them.”

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