

Subsidiary law of the Law of Attraction, 2nd Cosmic Law
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
1168 – 1169: “3. The Law of Sex. This is the term applied to the force which brings about the physical merging of the two poles in connection with the animal kingdom, and of man, viewing him as responsive to the call of his animal nature.  It concerns itself with the due guarding of the form in this particular cycle and its perpetuation.  It is only powerful during the period of the duality of the sexes and their separation and, in the case of man, will be offset by a higher expression of the law when man is again androgynous.  It is the law of marriage, and finds some aspects of its manifestation not only in marriage of men and animals in the physical sense, but in the “occult marriage” of

  1. The Soul and the Spirit.
  2. The Son with his Mother (or the Soul with the physical substance).
  3. The negative planetary lives with the positive ones earlier pointed out.
  4. The systemic marriage, or the merging of the two final planetary schemes after their absorption of the other forces.
  5. The cosmic marriage, or the merging of our solar system with its opposite cosmic pole, another constellation.  The cosmic marriage of stars and Systems is the cause of the occasional irregular flaring-up or intensification of suns and their increased luminosity which is sometimes seen, and which has frequently been the subject of discussion.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: Esoteric Psychology I, page
299: “The Law of Sex is the law of those relations whereby life and form are brought together in order that divine purpose may be seen.  This is a fundamental law of creation, and it is true, whether one is dealing with the informing Life of a solar system, with the birth of an animal, or with the appearance of a plant from a seed.  “Sex” is the word we use to cover the relation which exists between that energy we call “life” and the aggregate of force units through which that energy expresses itself and builds a form.  It covers the activity which takes place when the pairs of opposites are brought together, and by means of which they become at-one and produce a third reality.  That third reality or result bears witness to their relation, and another life in form is seen.  You have always, therefore, relation, at-one-ment and birth.  These three words deal with the true significance of sex.”

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