

ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
216 – 19: “This Law of Economy has several subsidiary laws which govern its effects on the different grades of matter. As said before, this is the Law swept into action by the sounds as uttered by the Logos. The Sacred Word, or the uttered Sound of the Creator, exists in different forms, and though in reality but one Word, has several syllables. The syllables all together form a solar phrase; separated they form certain words of power, producing different effects. …

When the sense of hearing on all planes is perfected (which is brought about by the Law of Economy rightly understood) these three great Words or phrases will be known. …

As the note of the first or Mahadeva aspect, follows upon the other two, he realises himself as pure Spirit and on the consummation of the chord is merged in the Self, or the source from which he came.  Mind is not, matter is not, and nought is left but the Self merged in the ocean of the Self. At each stage of relative attainment, one of the laws comes into sway,—first the law of matter, then the law of groups, to be succeeded by the law of Spirit and of liberation.”

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