

ALICE A. BAILEY: Letters on Occult Meditation, page
204 – 05: “Take for instance the Law of Substance.  This law puts the disciple in the position of wisely utilising the universal storehouse.  It is the manipulation of matter, and its adaptation to the interacting forces of supply and demand…Blind faith is right for the mystic.  It is one of the means whereby the Divine storehouse is entered, but to understand the method whereby that storehouse is kept replenished, and to comprehend the means whereby the bounteous supply of the All Father is brought in contact with the children’s need is better still.  One of those maxims I can here give anent supply and demand.  It is only as a skilful use is made of the supply for the needs of the worker and the work (I choose these words each one with deliberation) that that supply continues to pour in.  The secret is:  use, demand, take.  Only as the door is unlocked by the law of demand is another and higher door unlocked permitting supply.  The law of gravitation holds hid the secret.”

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