

See also Introductory Postulates in the section Groupings of Laws
ALICE A. BAILEY: Cosmic Fire, page
567: “The Laws of Thought. There are three great laws, that we might term the fundamental laws of the cosmos, of that greater system (recognised by all astronomers), of which we form a part, and seven laws inherent in the solar system.  These seven we might consider secondary laws, though, from the standpoint of humanity, they appear as major ones.”

ALICE A. BAILEY: White Magic, page
553: “The laws of thought are the laws of creation, and the entire creative work is carried forward on the etheric level.”

ANNIE BESANT: Esoteric Christianity, page
253 – 54: “By the working of the laws of thought a man becomes that which he thinks, and when he meditates on the divine perfections he gradually reproduces in himself that on which his mind is fixed. Such a mind, shaped to the higher and not the lower, cannot bind the Spirit, and the freed Spirit leaping upward to his source, prayer is lost in union and separateness is left behind.”

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